Thursday, February 5, 2009

What's my hidden talent?

Well, the annual talent show is coming up on Feb. 20th at our school. All the first grade teachers wanted to do something last year, but we waited too late so we said we would do it this year. It was so hard to decide on something to do. Did we want to be serious or funny? If you know us, you can guess the answer. FUNNY...that way it's not embarrasing if you're trying to make yourself look like an idiot.
I told my students yesterday t
hat we would be doing something, but we didn't know what. Well, after talking to my great PTA friends and my clever husband, I got an idea. My favorite song to sing with Brent around and of course when I'm alone is Vanilla Ice!!! Brent loved the idea, and said he can't wait to post it on Youtube. In order to get my students excited and to attend the talent show, I told them that some members from the PTA board and first grade teachers would be rapping. All of them began laughing and of course making all the rapping gestures. When suddenly out of nowhere, one of my sweet white students said, "Do you mean like with paper?" She looked very perplexed!!! Of course all the other kids were dying. I guess it was a GREAT teachable moment for homophones, but I'm just relieved that it was soooo FUNNY!
If you want to see me along with several of my school friends make COMPLETE idiots out of our self, come join us at the SCE Talent Show on Fe
bruary 20th. Be there or be square. WORD TO YOUR MOMTHER!

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