Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thank you Dwight!

My husband came home and told me something one of his old boss men shared with the staff at Caterpillar today. It made me feel good and appreciated. He told them that the government should definitely not take any money from the teachers to help with our economic situation in the U.S. He said that instead of taking money from us, they should take it from law enforcement. Now if your with law enforcement, CALM DOWN! You'll appreciate the rest. He said that if they paid teachers enough, there really wouldn't be a need for police officers. I know it was a joke, but it's mostly true. If they invested more money into education to reduce class size and student/teacher ratio, it would do wonders for these at-risk students. I'm in no way saying we should take money from law enforcement because they don't get paid nearly enough to risk their lives, but money should be taken from somewhere. If you don't keep your teachers happy, they're going to lose their passion, and the kids are going to be the ones to pay the price. So...go Dwight...your joke inspired me. You know...I think you should start blogging. The stuff Brent tells me is pretty good, and I would enjoy reading it (don't waste it on your CAT workers) :)

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